Friday 28 March 2014

Generic Class in C#

Generic Class is a class whose instances can work on different types of data. Not only methods classes also can be created as generic classes.

Syntax of Generic Class

[AccessModifier] Class classname<generictype>


Syntax for Creating Generic Class instance

classname< datatype> objectname = new classname< datatype>(); 

Example for Generic Class in .NET

using System;

namespace Generics
    //Generic Class
    class GenericClass<MyType>
        //Private Fields
        private MyType A, B;

        //Parameterized Constructor
        public GenericClass(MyType x, MyType y)
            A = x;
            B = y;

        public void Print()
            Console.WriteLine("A={0},  B={1}", A, B);


    //Main Class
    class ProgramCall

        static void Main()
            //Instantiating the genric class with int type
            GenericClass<int> intobject = new GenericClass<int>(10, 20);

            //Instantiating the genric class with string type
            GenericClass<string> stringobject = new GenericClass<string>("Generic Method""Generic Class");





A=10, B=20
A=Generic Method, B=Generic Class

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